1What do I need to get started
2General questions
3How much will I get paid
4How music is published
5Digital stores
6Legal questions
7Music Promotion
What do I need to do to transfer my distribution to Sundesire Media?
Most importantly you must check with your previous distributor that transferring to another partner is permitted. If your contract with them has expired, it will not be an issue. Some distributors will let you move early even if you are still in contract so it's always worth asking.

If you are planning on moving to Sundesire Media then we recommend getting setup with us prior to your move date. We can then ensure that everything is setup and ready to go before we can go live with distribution.

To action the move is very straight forward, you just need to sign up with Sundesire Media. We will then guide you through the switch process and help you move your catalogue to our system.